Run #37 (And Others): Me Want Meat

2015-02-15 09.02.09After Monday’s struggle, I knew I needed to really take caution for my next peak run so as not to risk injury. Luckily the two days of rest and rejuvenation I had on Tuesday and Wednesday were much needed. As for the muscle cramps, a friend suggested I may need potassium so I picked up some bananas on my way home that evening and started eating one a day. So far I haven’t had any muscle cramps since.

Tuesday I was so sore, I felt like I could barely get around without needing a walker. Instead of doing the cross training I was supposed to do, I did some stretching, breathing, muscle massaging and yoga. I think it was exactly what I needed because the next day, the soreness was about 90% gone.

Continue reading “Run #37 (And Others): Me Want Meat”

Run #36: Know Your Limits

I think for the last couple weeks, my body has been telling me to slow it down. First, it started with the heel spur, then the occasional hip pain, then the knees started to feel really achey. Finally today I got this perpetual cramp in my calf that just wouldn’t go away.

Ok, body, I’m listening to you now.

To be honest, I know I’m still not at a weight right where I can safely run without putting a lot of stress on the lower half of my body. I’m not a spring chicken anymore.

So I’m going to have to modify my workouts a lot. Possibly focus less on distance running, more on amount of time spent being active. Add in strength training (which I’ve already started), and possibly pilates or yoga again. The good thing is since I’m already starting to feel my core muscles gaining strength. Now I just need to maintain it.

Although I’m disappointed at the thought of having to curb back the momentum I’ve already built, I know it’s for the best. I’m still somewhat young so I have a lot of active years ahead of me as long as I take care of myself and stay within my limits.

Eating Like an Athlete

Super Easy Museli Prep
This museli recipe is made with my favorite apples: honeycrisp.

I’ve taken to listening to podcasts during my workout sessions instead of music. I find that it actually takes my mind away from the activity at hand.

Last week I discovered Another Mother Runner Radio on iTunes and there was one particular podcast that I listened to featuring the bloggers from When I browsed their website after my workout, I discovered a couple recipes that sounded really healthy and delicious.

I decided to try making their Chia Museli (visit the link for their recipe) and it was so easy and delicious. I love the idea of just making a base mix that you can keep in the fridge so whenever you’re ready for breakfast, all you have to do is scoop out a healthy portion (1/2 to 3/4 up for me) and then top it with a variety of toppings to change it up.

So far I’ve topped mine with:

  • Toasted coconut chips
  • A drizzle of maple syrup
  • Dried blueberries
  • Dried cranberries
  • Avocado
  • Brown sugar or coconut sugar
  • Sliced almonds
  • Walnuts
  • (or a combination of 2-3 of the above!)
I topped this one with avocado and toasted coconut chips.
I topped this one with avocado and toasted coconut chips.

This is definitely one recipe I’m going to keep in my collection. In addition to their blog, they also shared some great tips on eating healthy when you have a packed schedule. Here are a couple takeaways from that:

  1. Try to fit in meal prep in between activities, such as chopping vegetables, marinating meat, etc.
  2. Have a handful of recipes in your repertoire that are basic enough to easily change up for variety.
  3. Use spice mixes! Healthy food doesn’t have to be bland.

Run #34: Building Character

February 5, 2015It’s been a really long time since I’ve had a workout like this where I couldn’t wait for it to be over. And unfortunately it was one of my peak mileage days, which makes it more important that I complete it.

I think outside events had a major role in making today exceptionally hard. Clients were being pissy at work so everyone was on edge. I worked late this evening, as well as Tuesday so I was already mentally just worn out. I would’ve much rather been stretched out on my couch, remote in hand and Netflix on the TV, but I went to the gym anyway because I wanted to say I accomplished something I was proud of this week.

Continue reading “Run #34: Building Character”

What Motivates You?

IMG_6462I’m 10 miles approaching my 60 mile reward.

A few weeks ago I decided I needed something to commemorate my achievements with something special. I’ve always wanted a charm bracelet, but I knew it would be a bit of a splurge so I waited until I truly found a reason to treat myself.

When I began running, I realized this would be a perfect time to celebrate with a little reward when I met my first goal of 30 miles. So on Friday January 16, I decided to go to the Dallas Galleria Pandora jewelry store on my lunch break.

I already had an idea of what I wanted. In fact I had customized my bracelet online and printed out a list. When I arrived at the store, my vision was dazzled by all the shiny charms and snake rope charm bracelets and by the time I walked out there, I had already spent twice the amount of what I was originally wanting to spend.

Did I regret it? Not at all. When I looked down on on my right wrist and saw the sparkle of those pink crystal hearts, knowing I would add a charm for every 30 miles, I knew it was the start of something special.

I purchased the limited edition Valentines Day bracelet set from Pandora Jewelry.
I purchased the limited edition Valentines Day bracelet set from Pandora Jewelry.