A couple weekends ago, I made plans to spend an afternoon with my friend Rhea. We both talked that week about needing new running shoes so we decided to make a lunch and shoe shopping date.
We went to Run On! in McKinney, which is a local franchise of running stores. I’ve heard a lot of good things about their selection and their staff and since I was a budding running junkie, I decided there was no better place to shop than amongst other running junkies.
The weather has started to warm up over the last week and with it came some rain and a few clouds. However, there have been a couple days where I managed to avoid the gym and run outdoors.
Saturday morning was the first time in about a month since I took Izzie out for a run. And although our last excursion was a walk in a small park, this time we went to the bigger park with the longer trail and ran in spurts to kinda get things warmed up.
Wow, what a feeling!
We started out at a slow, easy walking pace. We reached the first bench, where I stopped and did some basic leg stretches. Izzie waited patiently, watching the trail with alert eyes and ears. Then we started into a run.
Running out in the open is so much more freeing than a treadmill. You can’t really deny the benefits of being out in the fresh air as opposed to the stale, sweaty air of a gym. Also, on a treadmill, you’re confined to the 4′ x 2′ rectangular space for your arms and legs to go whereas out in the open you can increase your stride and truly stretch your body to the limits.
So in the first sprint, I ran at a decent pace. Once I reached the next bench, I stopped and did 10 jumping jacks. And then walked to the next bench. At that bench, I stopped and did 10 more jumping jacks, and then broke out into a run, but this time I ran freely, disregarding my pace and my stride. I was practically flying through the air, lifting myself at each step, pushing my body forward so I could cover more distance in a shorter amount of time. I ran as if I was a kid again who was just let out for recess and was racing for the best swing on the playground.
As a result, I think I worked muscles in my legs that I didn’t know I had.
We followed that pattern throughout the first half-mile: walk, stop and do jumping jacks, run, stop and do jumping jacks, walk, and so on.
Izzie kept up without any issues or distractions. Occasionally I would look down to my left to check her status, and she was just galloping along, the wind in her face, her ears back. She wasn’t winded, wasn’t tired. I was so proud of her! She kept me motivated.
For the first lap, which was half a mile, we continued the alternating pace. But by the second lap, we had to keep it at a steady walk. My quads and my glutes were on fire. I could tell later as I was walking up the stairs to my apartment, that I would continue to feel the burn the rest of the day and on into the next.
I did a mile in under 20 minutes. It was the best time I’ve had in over a month and it was amazing.
In my last session, my therapist said she’s seeing the consistent weight loss we’ve been looking for. I’ve finally made the lifestyle change so many doctors and nutritionists talk about, and so many people like me want to achieve. Part of me wanted to relax and let out a sigh of relief.
But I still have dark moments from time to time.
Like last night, before falling asleep I spent almost an hour browsing Yelp, looking at photographs of breakfast food. I wanted breakfast at 11:30 PM (despite the fact I had just enjoyed a nice, healthy dinner with my family a few hours earlier). It’s like I am a sex addict and food photos are my porn.
Finally I had to put away my phone.
My addiction is like a wound, and like any wound that heals and scabs over, sometimes it itches. If I scratch it, it might bleed. If I don’t, maybe it will heal once and for all. I feel so crazy admitting that publicly. But part of me thinks that if my honesty on this blog helps someone else recognize and overcome their own addiction, then my humbling discomfort will be worth it.
Yesterday at work, I was out walking in the breezway with my coworker Rhea who, bless her heart, often drags me away from my desk kicking and screaming. We ran into our coworker Sheridan who said. “So, Kristine, earlier Allie came up to me and she said, ‘Kristine has lost a lot of weight!'”
I was surprised, but happy knowing that my efforts were visible. “Wow really?” I said.
“Yeah, I could tell because your jeans have been so loose on you lately,” she said. “It’s so awesome! Great job!”
I smiled, “Thanks. Ugh yeah, even my skinny jeans aren’t fitting me very well anymore either.”
It’s true. I am now down 3 pant sizes from my biggest so far. It’s awesome but at the same time it’s frustrating because I’m having to find new clothes. It’s a good problem to have I guess. I could get away with wearing dresses, but lately it’s been too cold for that so I’m kinda stuck wearing ill-fitting jeans, black leggings, and yoga pants to work.
I had another appointment with my therapist the other day. I’ve been setting small weight loss goals for myself at each session and I met this last one despite my not meeting the previous one. This one was definitely more realistic and I was happy about that.
I said it’s been frustrating the past week because of the weather. I’ve been unmotivated to even leave the house especially on snow and ice days. Even other days when there’s no snow or ice, I just lack the drive to leave the warmth and comfort of my apartment. One thing she mentioned is I should find other ways of getting activity in without having to leave the house. Naperville snow plow service is very efficient and makes my life easier.
So during last night’s blizzard, I decided to explore some of the workout video options on Hulu Plus. I found a few different ones that looked appealing, one of which was this cardio bellydance workout.
The word cardio was slightly misleading. It was almost too easy and low-impact of a workout to be considered cardio, but it was still fun and silly and got me moving. Once I was bored with that, I checked my step goal for the day and just decided to turn on some music and dance the rest of it out.
Yes, I’m Kristine, and I turned the music up loud in my living room and I danced. And you know what? It felt kinda good.
Well it’s almost been 2 weeks since my last post. I know you’re probably thinking, “Well, here it is. It’s the inevitable, she’s given up.” Quite the contrary. Although I’m definitely not hitting the treadmill as hard as I was back in January, I’m still getting in a couple workouts during the week. In fact, I met my second milestone two weeks ago, finally surpassing the 60 mile mark. I celebrated it with a trip to the Pandora store and the purchase of my 2nd charm (which I will be writing about in an upcoming post).
So what else have I been up to?
I’ve been exploring meditating. In fact, I’m beginning to incorporate it into my daily life, not just at home but at work too. When the weather is nice (which lately has been rare), I will grab my phone and steal away for a few minutes to somewhere in the neighborhood that’s remote.
This is one of my favorite spots. Its not hard to get to, but its tucked away.
I’ll sit quietly with my eyes closed for anywhere from 5 to 10 minutes and I’ll just… breathe. The great thing about where I work is there are a lot of places within walking distance that allow you to hide and be alone or anonymous for a few minutes. With my growing project list right now, I think this is the only thing that’s holding my sanity together.
My ex is also back in my life. I’m still trying to navigate that land mine, which my therapist is also helping me through. I had a session with her last week and I said I want to tell him he needs to quit drinking, that his alcoholism will be the deal breaker. And although that conversation with him did occur, it’s still an unfinished chapter in my life.
And I think that’s what I want this blog to be about–not just the healthier body, but also the healthier mind and spirit, all of which I’m working on simultaneously.